Nanny Jo and the Wild Mokopuna
Nani Jo me Ngā Mokopuna Porohīanga
In May 2023 Baggage Books published their stunning new book Nanny Jo and the Wild Mokopuna/ Nani Jo me Ngā Mokopuna Porohīanga. Written by Moira Wairama and beautifully illustrated by Margaret Tolland it celebrates the special relationship of grandmothers with their mokopuna and the significance of Matariki.
Link to: Arapū toi
Arapū toi
Finalist in NZ Children’s Book awards 2020:
Wright Family Foundation Te Kura Pounamu award for te Reo Māori
A children’s picture book in te reo Māori comes with an accompanying frieze. The beautiful artwork is by Kāpiti Coast artist Austin Whincup with poems by Wellington storyteller and writer Moira Wairama.
Link to: The Mother’s Child
The Mother’s Child
A unique picture book for mothers to share with their children
Written by Wellington storyteller, writer and poet Moira Wairama and illustrated by Wairarapa artist Linda Tilyard.