Audio/Visual Resources
Atareta and The Weta / Atareta rāua ko Weta
Listen to the story of Atareta and The Weta (in English) or Atareta rāua ko Weta (in Māori) written by Moira Wairama for Radio NZ Storytime and narrated by Tioreore Ngatai Melbourne.
Unlike her big brother Paora, Atareta finds learning to count to ten in te reo Māori is hard. Then an unusual friend turns up to help
Ka ako a Atareta, he mahi uaua te kaute ki te tekau i te reo Māori, kia ōrite ki tōna tuakana. Tāria te wā, ka tae mai tētahi hoa whanokē ki te āwhina.
Whairepo & Toroa
Listen to a new myth Whairepo & Toroa by story-teller Moira Wairama with music by Karen Jones created for Debbie Fish’s Whairepo Lagoon project.
Also hear from ray & shark scientist Dr Helen Cadwallader and from Ghost Diving NZ founder Rob Wilson, with marine biologist Eddie Howard, about the work they do to protect the habitat of the whai/ sting ray.
Maui Mischief Makers
Watch storyteller Moira Wairama and Celtic musician Karen Jones as they perform Maui myths for the Porirua Library Imagine This Festival at Pataka Art Museum as part of the Mischief Makers exhibition.